Ten at Ten

A Top Ten list at the Ten Year mark


As many of you know, I recently (June 1) celebrated my ten year anniversary at HBA.  It’s hard to believe. In some ways, it seems like I just started last week. In other ways, it seems like I’ve been here for a lifetime. (Both of those perspectives are good, by the way).

One thing that ten years at HBA means is that it has been ten years since I was a pastor. I think I was a good pastor for the twenty years that I spent in that role.  While I have no sense whatsoever that God is leading me back toward the pastorate, I know I would be a better pastor now because of what I have learned over the past ten years.  In fact, I have often joked that 95% of what I know about being a pastor, I have learned in the past ten years of not being one!

I recently read a couple of blog posts written by seminary professor, author, and church consultant Chuck Lawless where he talked about things he would do more or less of if he were to be a pastor again.  You will find links to both of those articles at the bottom of this post.

That got me to thinking.  At the ten year mark, what are ten things I would focus on if I were to be a pastor again?  Until today, I haven’t really thought through all that. These things have certainly been in my mind, but I processed them for the first time today.  So, here’s my thinking today on what I would focus on if I became a pastor tomorrow.

  1. I would focus on clarifying the church’s vision rather than promoting my own.  Vision should outlast leaders. I would start on my first day preparing the church for my last day.
  2. I would focus on celebrating biblical Sabbath and healthy rhythms rather than keeping people busy with church activities.
  3. I would focus on being a guide rather than a hero. I would rarely, if ever, do ministry alone, but would always take someone with me in whose ministry I was investing.
  4. I would focus on helping people rejoice in who they are becoming rather than struggle with what they should be doing. I would help them learn to joyfully live out their identity in Christ.
  5. I would focus on life transformation rather than behavior reformation. I would focus on helping people renew their minds through changing the way they think about life.
  6. I would focus on doing a few ministries that we do best rather than doing as many different ministries as possible.  Optimize and simplify would be an intentional strategy rather than a last resort.
  7. I would focus on celebrating and advancing the kingdom of God rather than on growing a single congregation.  Kingdom partnerships trump territorialism and competition every time.
  8. I would focus more on getting the church into the community than getting the community into the church. We have already been sent to them; they have not been sent to us.
  9. I would focus more on applying Biblical truth than transmitting Biblical content.  Content without application has limited value.
  10. I would focus on activating unique disciples rather than creating ideal Christians. Being conformed to the image of Christ includes having the life of Christ formed (incarnated) in us.  Instead of asking, “What would Jesus do?” we ask, “What would Jesus do if He were me?”

I could think of plenty more, but ten is a good stopping place.  (And it allows me to use Ten at Ten for my heading).

The really cool thing about all of this is that, while I don’t have the opportunities to focus on all these things as a pastor of a local congregation, they are all consistent with our association vision of cultivating a kingdom-focused culture of engaging churches who are on mission to sow seeds of transformation into each local congregation.

Please contact me if you would like more information about the resources and processes we have available to inspire and assist our churches to engage their communities and expand their kingdom focus with transforming grace.


Your grateful partner and mission strategist in the work of the kingdom,



Articles from Chuck Lawless

10 things I would do more often if I were pastoring again

10 things I would do less often if I were pastoring again

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