
Sabbatical reflections on legacy


Another week down!  As you read this, I’m just about at the halfway point of my Sabbatical renewal leave. I was able to spend Mother’s Day with my mom and step-dad and go to her church with her.  This was the first time I have been able to attend her church since they moved to East Texas two years ago. I’m incredibly grateful to have been able to devote these two weekends to honoring my parents and being present with them.

This week’s book (if  I am on schedule) is Sabbatical Journey: The Diary of His Final Year (Henri J.M. Nouwen). This week is my learning week. I’ll be participating in a couple of coaching classes.  

At the end of the week, we’ll be heading for the panhandle to attend our grandson’s second birthday party and see his daddy (our son) in the Amarillo Little Theatre’s production of Sister Act.  The previous two weekends have been focused on my heritage.  This one is on legacy.

I’ve heard stories of dads (sometimes, in particular, preacher dads) who missed the ball games, performances, and special events of their children because they were doing “important ministry.”  My actor (part-time) and teacher (full time) son is 27 years old and I have seen at least one performance of every show he has ever been in from kindergarten through now.

I’m neither boasting about myself nor berating anyone else.  I’m just saying it’s doable. We can be there for our family without neglecting the flock God has given us.  To pastor dads, I say, if I can ever help you by filling in for you so you can attend something for one of your kids, let me know. (As long as it is not in the next couple of weeks!)


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